The Somborne Players



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April Fools

organised by Vicky Burden and Alan Glynne Jones

hosted by Susie Spurling

2nd April 2008


What a fabulous evening! Huge thanks to everyone involved in making it such a success.


Alan Glynne Jones, in his role as compere, first introduced himself and Melanie Haydon in a beautiful flute duet. Then Audrey Gannaway had us enthralled with her memories of how the Players started after the Village Pageant in 1985 and read Shakespeare’s “The Seven Ages of Man” to mark the occasion. She also suggested a reunion for Players old and new to look over photos and programmes and such like from the last 23 years – an idea which already has the committee thinking.




Next up was Nigel Coleman, accompanied by wife Bridget on the piano, who treated us to some Australian songs in an authentic accent, and led us in a real Ozzie sing-song.



As we tucked into the food brought to share, Andrew Flanagan performed an amusing monologue and Sue Jackson read a poem – this time we were treated to a convincing Northern accent. Alan then picked up his flute again and joined Vanessa Sharpe on guitar, with both playing and singing the haunting ballad “Ride On”.




Chris Hall contributed to two very funny sketches, the first a duologue performed with Andrew and the second his own version of a scene from “An Inspector Calls” , which called on Vicky Burden, Susie Spurling, Alan and Nigel to read parts, as the rest of us sat back and enjoyed dessert.




The evening ended with two short poems from Andrew, between which Alan treated us to an amazing display of fire juggling and fire poi in the garden. Overall a wonderful night, showing the amazing array of talent we have in the Players and giving us many ideas for future activities.